Following is the youtube video links (or bookmark) for leaRning R listed as the learning resources. Each link has been provided with the video length (T-). The naming contains name of the video - the channel's / creator's name.
The list will be continuously updated.
R_Intro <- baseR 🏁
- Simulation in R - Roger Peng T- 14:51
1. Tidyverse✂️🧹
1.1 ggplot2
- Intro. ggplot - Hefin Rhys T- 1:17:24
1.2 dplyr
- dplyr - Roger Peng T- 15:30
- Manipulating and exploring data with dplyr - Heifn Rhys T- 26:06
- Dplyr Essentials - dataslice T- 11:20
2. Statistics 📊
3. Shiny ✨
4. R markdown 📁
5. Specifics 🏹
Machine Learning
* Into. mlr package- Hefin Rhys T- 24:06
6. Packages 📦
~More / Tips-Tricks 💡
See Also👀
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