Thursday, 3 December 2020

Units of Nepalese Measurement

Here, is the list of commonly followed system of measurements in Nepal. The listed units, although considered obsolete, are still applied and used in daily applications. However, most of the units may not be used extensively, as SI system are mostly preferred. 

Different resources or links have been provided for the comprehensive list for the interested individuals. 


1 Dhak (१ ढक):

5 kg (५ किलो)

1 Dharni (धार्नी)

2.5 kg 

1 Bisauli

0.5 Dharni

1 Bori (बोरी)

0.25 Dharni

प्रचलित उखान "दुई तोलाको जिब्रो फड्काल्नु भन्दा डेढ धार्नीको टाउको हल्लाउनु बेश"  
अर्थः बोल्नु भन्दा नबोल्नु बेश


~ differs in terms of dry and liquid capacity:

10 muthi (मुठ्ठी)

1 mana (roughly 400gm)

8 mana (माना)

1 pathi= 4.54596 litre

20 pathi (पाथी)

1 muri (मुरी)

 1 muri

 4 feet tall, 1 ft diameter 


1 Ropani                            

16 Aana = 74*74 feet

16 Aana

508.72 m2

1 Bigha 

20 Kattha = 13.31 ropani

20 Kattha

400 dhur (1 dhur = 16.93 m2 )

Ropani-Ana-Paisa-Dam system = Hilly Region

Ropani-Ana-Paisa-Dam system = Tereai Region


1 angul

0.75 inch, 4 angul = 3 in

1 haath

1.5 ft, 4 haath = 6ft

1 kosh

2.25 miles

4 kosh

9 miles = 14.48 km



  • Statistical Office of the United Nations (1966), World Weights and Measures. Handbook for Statisticians, New York: United Nations, ST/STAT/SER.M/21/Rev.1.

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