Sunday, 3 March 2024

BOOKMARKS: Government Accounting System ~ Nepal


he said that errors started to decrease after data was taken from the electronic government accounting system. 

CIT’s online system eases transactions Mar 19, 2023

Public Account Committee (PAC) under the House of Representatives, the Federal Parliament, should play a more proactive role in reducing the financial irregularities of the government which have been escalating each year.    

financial activities of NGOs and INGOs are not transparent enough and their expenditure is not incorporated in the government accounting system, he said the PAC should take this matter seriously.

PAC urged to play proactive role for clearing irregularities and fiscal transparency Sept 5, 2023

In order to improve the budget expenditure, the government has also introduced the multi-year tender standards, Sub-national Treasury Regulatory Application (SuTRA) in 677 local bodies and Computerised Government Accounting System in 2,876 government offices. Likewise, Electronic Fund Transfer is executed across the country.

Budget slashed to Rs. 1.38 trillion Feb 13, 2020

all the 753 local units will have to report about their income and expenditure to the central Treasury Single Account (TSA) system of the Financial Comptroller General Office (FCGO).

the FCGO is preparing a software that will be connected to the central government’s TSA system. The FCGO is developing the Computerised Government Accounting System and Revenue Management Information System to interlink the income and spending of local units with the central accounting system of the government.

Local units liable for their expenditure - The Himalayan Times Dec 16, 2017

Goyal said that the government accounting system in the whole SAARC region needs to be more effective to lure foreign investment in the region.

THT 10 YEARS AGO: Nine injured as RNA chopper crashes - The Himalayan Times  Dec 29, 2015 

the line ministry budget information system, provincial budget information system, sub-national treasury regulatory application and computer-based government accounting system are the measures to smoothen the budget cycle in different government tiers in Nepal.

The Right to Information Act, 2007 has a mandatory provision of trimester proactive disclosures by government agencies, thereby ensuring transparency in utilising public funds. Easy access to daily receipts and payment status on the financial comptroller general office website shows the government’s efforts towards transparency in public funds. Aside from this, anti-corruption and good governance-related acts and practices like public hearings are essential steps towards transparency and accountability.

Ethics in utilising public purse Oct 29, 2023 

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