About Me

My name is Keshab T. Magar (Preferred: KSab T. Magar).

I consider myself as a learner. I wish to be good learner, observer, researcher, orator, guitar player / singer, and many more. In spiritual terms, I like to believe that our soul is sent here in the Earth to be trained for specific purposes, and collect XP or Experience Points, so that we can finally be liberated from the birth-death cycle permanently. Eventual purpose in our lives should be to serve other beings like you while being kind and doing good with no intentions of gaining anything in return. :-)

                      कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |

                              मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि || (2.47)


In the material world, I aspire to get proper working job to continue my basic needs. My major learning Interests as my bachelors is in agri. sci.- although I may / may not be learning on not. :D We are all bound to change; the info. here will change too.

General Learning Interests:

  • Agronomy, 
  • Remote Sensing and GIS,
  • Precision Agriculture,
  • Digital agri. extension,
  • Governance, Contemporary Issues,
  • Constitution and Laws of Nepal,
  • Major world languages, the guitar, etc.

Email: ksabmagar7@gmail.com
You can follow me in 
twitter/X: @ksabmagar7
facebook: fb.com/ksabmagar7 - deleted
VK: vk.com/ksabmagar

Also, trying to be more academic in my main site :) 

Motto: Learn and live everyday. Treasure everyday. Rejoice!

How to increase the capital expenditure capability?

How to increase the capital expenditure capability? Capital expenditure is the country’s spending on infrastructural developments. Such infr...