Understanding Constitution Of Nepal & Roles of Different Levels of Government in Agriculture
...कृषि विभागको पुनर्सँरचना भइ महानिर्देशक र चार उपमहानिर्देशकको अलावा एघार शाखाहरु कायम गरिएको छ ।त्यसै गरि विभाग मातहत छ वटा केन्द्रिय निकायहरु र अन्तर्गतका १४ वटा फार्म, केन्द्रहरु रहेका छन् । यस पुनर्सँरचना संगै विभागको विगतको भूमिकामा समेत परिवर्तन आएको छ ।
Part-3 Fundamental Rights and Duties(A 16 to A 48)
Article 36: Rights for Food
Article 25: Right Relating to Property
Article 42: Right to Social Justice
Schedule 5: Federal
- International trade, exchange, port, quarantine
- Policies relating to conservation and multiple uses of water resources
- Land use policies, human settlement development policies, tourism policies, environment adaptation
Schedule 6: Province
- House and land registration fee, motor vehicle tax, entertainment tax, advertisement tax, tourism, agro-income tax, service charge, fee, penalty
- State statistics
- State universities, higher education, libraries, museums
- Management of lands, land records
- Use of forests and waters and management of environment within the State
- Agriculture and livestock development, factories, industrialization, trade, business, transportation
Schedule 7 Concurrent Powers of Federation and State
- Contracts, cooperatives, partnership and agency related matters
- Drugs and pesticides
- Scientific research, science and technology and human resources development
Schedule 8:
Local Level Power
- Local market management,environment protection and bio-diversity
- Local roads, rural roads, agro-roads, irrigation
- Agriculture and animal husbandry, agro-products management, animal health, cooperatives animal health, cooperatives
Schedule 9
Concurrent Power of Federation, State and Local level
- Agriculture
- Forests, wildlife, birds, water uses, environment, ecology and bio-diversity
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