- Plant becomes short - cobs become small, cob fills are less.
- The tip of the maize plant becomes yellow, and the yellowish colour moves from mid part of leaf to the base of the leaf (observed in the older leaves)
- V shaped yellowing is observed
- Tips and border of leaves becomes noticeably brinjal-coloured or purple coloured, usually seen in early development of leaves (observed in the older leaves)
- The growth of maize plant is disturbed, height of the plant is small - cob becomes small or under developed, growth of roots are not well
- Tips in the base of the plant, and borders of the plant becomes yellowish in colour. The main vein of the leaf still remains green.
- The plants becomes weak, short and the development of cob is disturbed, cobs are incompletely filled.
- Deficiency symptoms are seen in early stages - whitish/yellowish lines are observed. The new leaves are white in appearance.
- The new leaves may start becoming yellow (straited pattern of yellow-green-yellow) is seen, later the whole plants become yellow (observed in younger leaves)
- interveinal chlorosis in older leaves, main vein still remains green, yellow to white stripes are observed (in older leaves, first)
### Photos: Unavailable ###
[…] See : nutrient deficiency in maize leaves […]