Sunday, 17 January 2021

Geographical Division of Nepal (Short Notes) / नेपालको भौगोलिक विभाजन

The following contents have been solely based on the Nepal Parichya (नेपाल परिचय), published by Depatment of Infromation and Broadcasting, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (GON), which has the comprehensive lists and description of the country. The prepared notes are supposed to be helpful for general readers, students, or anyone interested in grasping the general (very brief) information of the geographical division of the country Nepal.

~ Based on the Topographical Features (धरातलीय स्वरुपका आधारमा)

1. HIMALAYAN REGION (15% of total land of Nepal, 3000 m above sea level, famous 28 mountain ranges extends from east to west)

20 districts from east to west region: Taplejung, Sankhuwasabha, Solukhumbu, Dolakha, Sindhupalchok, Rasuwa, Manang, Mustang, Dolpa, Mugu, Humla, Jumla, Kalikot, Bajura, Bajhang, Dharchula, Dhading, Ramechhap, Gorkha, Rukum (East).

1.1 Main Himalayas:  (mountains over 8000 m, 8 out of 10 tallest mountain range lie in this region)

1.2 Inner Himalya Region: snow covered valleys (2400 to 5000m, conifereous forest and human population is rarer

1.3. Frontier Himalayas: 6000 to 7000m, Himalayan Desert, areas such as Manang, Mustang,

2. HILLY REGION (middle part of the country, 300 to 3000m, 68% of total area,

29 districts: Ilam, Panchthar, Tehrathum, Dhankuta, Bhojpur, Khotang, Okhaldhunga, Kavrepalanchok, Nuwakot, Tanahu, Lamjung, Kaski, Syangja, Parbat, Palpa, Gulmi, Arghakhanchi, Myagdi, Baglung Pyuthan, Rolpa, Rukum (west), Salyan, Jajarkot, Dailekh, Achham, Doti, Dadeldhura and Baitadi

2.1 Chure Hill Range: (610m to 1872m, parallel to Mahabharat ranges from west to Koshi river, beyond Koshi river - fragmented land)

  • also called Shiwalik
  • tall in west, and lowers to east

2.2 Mahabharat Range: around 3000m, four big rivers Karnali, Kaligandaki, Trishuli, Koshi have made gorges, pleateaus and vallyes are found)

  • also called Lesser Himalayas

2.3 Midlands (29.5 % of Nepal, big valleys, flat fertile land created by the rivers, population is dense, terrace farming common)

  • Rocks: Precambrian, Phyllites, Quartzite, Mica, Schist and Granite
  • Ethnicities: Kirant (Rai, Limbu), Tamang, Magar, Gurung, Bahun, Chhetri, Newar,

3. TERAI REGION (60 to 600m, flat land east to west towards south, head of the Terai:Bhabhar and Chure)

18 districts: Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West), Rupandehi, Kapilbastu, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur

3.1 Proper Terai: Someshwor mountain range (south of Chitwan) and Dunduwa mountain range (south of Deukhuri) have intersected the Terai - dividing into three parts (Eastern, Central and Western).

3.2 Bhabar Area: (380 m above sea level, south of Chure mountain range, 4.5% of total land mass)

3.3 Inner Madesh: plain surrounded by Chure and Mountain Range (upto 610m, 8.5% of total land mass) 

  • Udayapur and Sindhuli (eastern inner madesh)
  • Makwanpur, Chitwan, Nawalparasi (mid inner madesh)
  • Dang, Deukhuri (western inner madesh)
  • Surkhet Valley (mid western inner Madesh)

स्थानिय सरकार सञ्चालन ऐन २०७४ का आधारमाः
Based on Local Governance Operation Act 2074

हिमाली जिल्लाः 21 ~ mountainous districts
पहाडी जिल्लाः 28 ~ Hilly districts
भित्री मधेशका जिल्लाः 7 ~ inner terai
तराईका जिल्लाः 18 ~ terai


  • Nepal latitude 26° 22' to 30° 27'  longitude 80° 4' to 88° 12' east.
  • Nepal 0.03% of the total land of the world, 0.3% of Asia, 3% of the South Asia. 
  • ~ 1,127 km away from the sea/bay of Bengal. 
  • ~ The total area of Nepal 147,181 ( currently 147,516 - 335 disputed) square kilometers, 56,827 square miles. 
  • ~ west and east: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh: south, Uttarakhanda: west and West Bengal and Sikkim: east; and by Tibet: the autonomous region of China, in the north. 
  • Nepal Standard Time: basis of the longitude 86° 15' (through Mt. Gaurishankar, Dolkha district)~ introduced in Nepal from Baishakh 1, 2042 BS. 
  • Himalayas. Tropical, Meso-thermal, Micro-thermal, Tiaga and Tundra climates are found

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